My Grandma once asked me a relatively simple question: “Carl, are you happy?” I answered with a quick and instinctive yes. While my answer ended the conversation, it initiated a change in my perspective. Her question stuck with me and later that day I found myself once again reflecting on what she asked and how I answered. Was I really happy? I knew that I wasn’t unhappy. I wasn’t unsatisfied or dissatisfied. Still, the question ate at me. After spending quite some time meditating on the meaning of my Grandma’s question, I came to a stark realization: If she had asked me if I were fulfilled, I would have answered no.
Happiness and fulfillment are often used interchangeably, but they’re radically different. Happiness is an emotion, a feeling we all experience sometimes–hopefully daily. A warm cup of coffee or a friendly conversation may evoke this emotion. But fulfillment is deeper and more complex. Fulfillment is a state that is tied to your purpose in life and whether or not you’re pursuing it. The reason many of us feel happy yet struggle with our sense of direction is because we’re lacking fulfillment. Fulfillment, both personal and professional, might be easier for you to find if you know where to look.
Finding Fulfillment
Pursue your purpose
We all have a purpose inside of us. Fueled by your inner passion and brought to life with the help of your unique abilities, your purpose is an essential part to becoming your best self and finding fulfillment. Pursuing your true purpose provides a deep sense of meaning to your life. When you align your actions with your purpose, every step feels intentional and contributes to becoming your best self. Finding your purpose can foster a sense of fulfillment and growth that endures even when challenges arise. Are you pursuing your purpose? Does the path you’re on now align with your greatest purpose and potential?
Set goals aligned to your values
Aligning your actions to your core beliefs grants you the freedom to live an authentic life and find fulfillment in what you do. When your actions are guided by what you believe in, you’re more likely to feel that your life has meaning and that you’re contributing to something larger than yourself. Without this mind-action connection, you may experience an inner conflict that disturbs both your feeling of happiness and state of fulfillment. Pursue paths and set goals that align well with your values if you want to experience fulfillment.
Practice gratitude
Gratitude is more than just an emotion; it’s an intention. This powerful and voluntary force has the ability to change our perspectives entirely. At its core, gratitude is the awareness and appreciation of the goodness in your life. The quest for fulfillment is fueled by the gratitude we hold for what we have and where we are. Your sense of fulfillment can be made greater by choosing to be grateful for every step of your growth journey–whatever it holds.
Aside from assisting in cultivating fulfillment, there are numerous benefits of practicing gratitude. In fact, one prominent study proved that practicing gratitude and kindness can stimulate constructive clinical changes in people—namely, reducing anxiety, increasing optimism, and boosting overall satisfaction with life.
My Grandma might have asked if I were happy, but what she really wanted to know was whether I were fulfilled with and in my life. After deeply reflecting on where I was and how I felt, I decided then and there that I wasn’t fulfilled. I decided to change paths and pursue my true passions and purpose. Although happiness ebbs and flows, fulfillment, once found, can be lasting. We may find fulfillment when we pursue our purpose, align our goals to our values, and place gratitude at the center of our being.
If you’re interested in exploring the connection between purpose and fulfillment, explore “The Power of Purpose”. Or, dive into our Power Video Series for more inspiration.
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