Every year holds unique challenges, opportunities, and moments of growth. Within 365 days, we find the potential to transform into the best version of ourselves–whether through success and hard work or trial and unexpected obstacles. Now, as the end of a calendar year approaches, these last few weeks can serve as a time of reflection. We think of what's happened, what we’ve enjoyed or endured, and what may lie ahead. With 2025 on the horizon, many of us may now find ourselves wondering how to make the next year our best one yet.
Though it’s impossible to predict all that the next year may have in store for us, what we can do is strive every year–if not every day–to unlock our potential and drive success. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of habits to begin implementing now and to carry with you into the next year. Inspired by Martin Willoughby’s Success Principles and crafted with an emphasis on intentionality and proactivity, these habits can set the stage for a truly transformative year.
4 must-have habits for a more successful 2025
‘Lift the lid’ on your success
Success isn’t passive. It doesn’t just happen to you. Success requires conscious effort, a clear vision, and a strategic approach. You must actively "lift the lid" on success to reach for new opportunities and achieve your potential. This means setting goals, honing skills, and consistently working toward improvement. This practice is especially true for our workplace leaders who serve as a model of growth and behavior for all members of the workforce. If you’re hoping to improve your personal and professional growth in the coming year, consider making your pursuit of success an active one.
Only take on pursuits that are ‘worth the squeeze’
As Willoughby states in his Success Habit #62, it’s important to consider whether the juice is worth the squeeze. When taking on a project, duty, or habit, it’s essential to first assess what’s truly needed for success. Is the amount of effort, energy, and time required to achieve this pursuit worth it? Does the end justify the means?
Each opportunity we take deserves careful evaluation of its objectives and effort required, ensuring that the ‘juice is worth the squeeze’. Looking to boost success in 2025? Try tackling projects that create opportunities for growth and are deserving of your efforts.
Take time to determine when an action is ripe
Would you rather bite into a bitter, green banana or savor one that’s perfectly ripe? Chances are, you’d choose the latter. Often, good things in nature can take time to develop. This is true for many aspects of our lives, too–whether decisions or actions. Timing is everything, as they say.
Often the difference between success and failure is simply timing. Good decisions, like bananas, can take time to ripen. It’s far better to wait for the right time to act than risk the bitter bite of an “unripe” decision. So, when faced with a decision in the coming year, practice giving yourself the space to weigh options and timing. By pausing to reflect on the timing of an event, decisions, or action, you’ll set yourself up for more impactful choices–choices that are worth the wait.
Treat everyday like game day
What separates ‘good enough’ from ‘the best’? Bringing your A-game every minute of every day. Whether to work or personal endeavors, bringing your A-game is essential if you want to succeed and grow. Putting your best self forward may set a standard for your performance, encourage a positive reputation, and build momentum toward your goals.
When you consistently deliver your best, it not only shows dedication and resilience but also helps you develop the skills and confidence needed to tackle bigger challenges. In the coming year, try treating every day as if it’s game day–when you give your all and push the boundaries of what you thought could be..
While none of us have the power to see what 2025 may hold for us, we do have the power to set ourselves up for success and tap into our potential–no matter the day or year. We can do this by building habits that fuel growth and drive us to our better selves.
Looking to take a deeper dive into your growth journey in the new year? Consider investing in a My Growth Journal. With inspirational quotes, key insights, and reflective questions, this journal can help you gear up for growth in the coming year.
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